24,400 research outputs found

    Tillage and no-tillage effects on physical characteristics of a silt loam under 5 years of continuous oats-maize crop rotation : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science in Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Technology and Engineering, Massey University

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    Conservation tillage is one of the conserving practices recognized worldwide despite its empirical benefits still largely undergoing continuous research. This research is part of a sequence of studies carried out at Massey University tillage trial. The soil type is Ohakea silt loam representing youngest yellow-grey earth with poor natural drainage on fine texture material, and topsoil moderately to strong acid enleached soils. Selected soil physical properties under different tillage systems i.e. no-tillage (NT), moldboard plough (MP) and permanent pasture (PP) (as control) were measured and compared. The important soil properties considered were soil aggregate stability, soil penetration resistance, water infiltration rate, soil bulk density, soil water content, crop dry matter, water runoff and leachate and soil pH (H2O), total C and N. Results from both the field and laboratory experiments suggested that 5 years of continuous no-tillage have improved soil characteristics relative to conventional tillage. Soil penetration resistance was significantly lower in the MP plots soon after cultivation and at the early oats growing season, compared to the NT and PP plots. However, this trend was reversed within six months, following winter grazing and spring fallow when soil was recompacted. Bulk density measured during early oats growing season indicated a remarkably higher density at the top 0-5 cm soil layer under the NT compared to the MP treatment suggesting that NT plots' soils were more compacted at the time of planting and had lower total porosity than soils in the MP plots. On the other hand, water infiltration rates measured over one year period indicated an average value significantly higher under the NT and PP treatments than the MP plots. These results suggest that macropore continuity, water-filled porosity and other hydraulic properties were improved under NT. A substantially higher level (11%) of water content was found in the NT plots compared to that in the MP plot. These suggested that although the NT soils were more resistant to penetration and had high levels of bulk density, these soils retained more water. These further suggested that the water-filled porosity under the NT soil was higher, thus helped increase the water availability for plant growth. The results also demonstrated that the NT soil produced comparable winter oats and summer maize DM to those under MP treatment. Regression analysis results indicated, not unexpectedly, a strong linear relationship between bulk density and soil penetration resistance with R2 values of 0.97, 0.99, and 0.73 for the PP, MP, and NT treatments respectively. Similar analyses between soil water content and soil penetration resistance demonstrated a strong, moderate, and no correlations under the NT, MP and PP treatments respectively. The NT soils were substantially more stable than the MP soils but were similar to the PP soils. The surface soil (0-10 cm soil depth) water-stable aggregates remaining on sieve for the PP, MP, and NT were 75.2, 26.2 and 70.8% respectively. The macroaggregates (> 2 mm diameter) made up a large proportion of the pasture soil (54.7%) and the untilled soil (37.4%), whereas the ploughed soils had macroaggregates at 4.8%. The ploughed soil was consisted of 73.8% of 0.5 mm water-stable aggregates. Prolonged sieving for 60 minutes also confirmed the above results that the detachment of soils by water in the continuously ploughed land was much easier as compared to the NT and PP management. Thus making the MP soils most vulnerable to water erosion. Runoff and leachete experiments had produced rather inconclusive results as compared to the results on the same plots three years ago. However the trend was obvious that the MP treatment had caused more surface runoff than the other two treatments. By contrast, water runoff was lower in NT plots, which was also reflected by the occurrence of more water leaching under this treatment compared to the MP treatment. The NT soils were relatively more acidic (lower pH) both at 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers. Both the MP and NT had resulted in a marked decline in total C level compared to PP at the 0-10 cm soil layer. The decline of total C content after 5 years of continuous double cropping in the 0-20 cm soil layer was about 12% in the MP plots and 2.65% in the NT plots. At the 10-20 cm soil depth, total C and N showed no differences among all treatments. Total N at the 0-10 cm soil layer was significantly lower under MP treatment compared to the other two treatments

    Codimension Two Determinantal Varieties with Isolated Singularities

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    We study codimension two determinantal varieties with isolated singularities. These singularities admit a unique smoothing, thus we can define their Milnor number as the middle Betti number of their generic fiber. For surfaces in C^4, we obtain a L\^e-Greuel formula expressing the Milnor number of the surface in terms of the second polar multiplicity and the Milnor number of a generic section. We also relate the Milnor number with Ebeling and Gusein-Zade index of the 1- form given by the differential of a generic linear projection defined on the surface. To illustrate the results, in the last section we compute the Milnor number of some normal forms from A. Fr\"uhbis-Kr\"uger and A. Neumer [2] list of simple determinantal surface singularities

    Investors along the company life-cycle : evidence for Portugal

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    Este trabalho de pesquisa examina a presença dos investidores ao longo do ciclo-de-vida das empresas portuguesas, juntamente com a estrutura de capital e acionista. Recorrendo a exemplos estilizados do ciclo financeiro das empresas, existentes nas obras de Berger e Udell (1998) e Caselli (2009), foi possível criar um exemplo alternativo que estabelece previsões para o sequenciamento dos investidores ao longo do desenvolvimento das empresas. Variáveis de tamanho e idade das sociedades financiadas são comparadas e usadas para situar cada tipo de investidor. A análise empírica realizada mostra que, à medida que as empresas crescem e envelhecem, a estrutura acionista e de capital altera-se. De modo geral, a presença dos investidores externos cresce. Tal faz-se notar pelo aumento do nível de dívida, em percentagem da totalidade do capital investido, enquanto a participação de investidores externos no capital próprio também aumenta. Por último, os investidores identificados no ciclo-de-vida, tendem a financiar empresas nas fases de desenvolvimento esperadas segundo a literatura.This research work examines the presence of several investor types along the life-cycle of Portuguese firms, alongside the shareholder and capital structure. By using stylized financial growth cycles found in Berger and Udell (1998) and Caselli (2009), it was possible to build an alternative example that sets predictions for the sequencing of investors in the development of firms. Size and age variables of financed Portuguese companies are compared and used to situate each investor type. The empirical analysis shows that, as firms become larger and older, the shareholder and capital structure change. Overall, outside investors increase their presence over the life-cycle. The level of debt tends to grow in the global structure, while, at the same time, the participation of outside investors in the equity also rises. Finally, investors tend to finance companies in the stages of development as expected by literature

    Evolucionismo, integración sociocognitiva y cambio semántico

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    El cambio es el fenómeno lingüístico por excelencia a la hora de aplicar los modelos teóricos evolucionistas. La perspectiva evolucionista del lenguaje permite analizar el cambio lingüístico como un fenómeno sujeto a los mismos procesos evolutivos que determinan cualquier sistema evolutivo complejo. El objetivo de este estudio es defender una integración más sistemática de los factores sociales y cognitivos del cambio lingüístico, en particular del cambio semántico. Este artículo se centra en un enfoque evolutivo del cambio lingüístico muy influyente, la Teoría de la Selección del Enunciado del cambio lingüístico desarrollada por Croft (2000). El enfoque evolutivo de Croft se inspira en la teoría evolutiva neo-darwiniana, concretamente en la Teoría Generalizada de la Selección desarrollada por Hull (1988), un filósofo de la ciencia. La idea fundamental es que el cambio lingüístico es un ejemplo de la evolución cultural i, por lo tanto, está sometido a los mismos mecanismos evolutivos generales que guían la evolución biológica. El lenguaje, como sistema de uso, se regula por la convención, de manera que el cambio lingüístico es el resultado de romper con la convención y de propagar esta innovación en la comunidad lingüística hasta que se convierte en una nueva convención. Argumentaremos, en el marco de la lingüística cognitiva (Geeraerts & Cuyckens 2007), a favor de una integración más sistemática de los factores cognitivos y sociales en la explicación del cambio lingüístico. Tomaremos como ejemplo algunos casos de cambio semántico en portugués y en español para demostrar que los mecanismos de la innovación lingüística son cognitivos, mientras que los mecanismos de propagación son esencialmente sociales. Conocer qué factores cognitivos interactúan con los sociales en el proceso de cambio semántico y lingüístico en general es todavía un reto importante en el enfoque evolutivo del cambio lingüístico

    Goals of collective action and will to acting collectively in the production of political awareness on encamped farmers of MST - Brazil

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    This article intends to analyze how the targets of collective action and will to acting collectively impact the process of forming political awareness and political participation of landless farmers. This study will deal with qualitative data derived from semi-structured interviews with five families of landless farmers camped in Pontal do Paranapanema, a western region of the state of Sao Paulo - Brazil. The purpose of this paper is to deepen the understanding of the processes of organization and production of awareness from the highlighted dimensions.Este artículo pretende analizar cómo las metas de la acción colectiva y la voluntad de actuar colectivamente impactan en el proceso de formación de la conciencia política y en la participación política de los campesinos y campesinas sin tierra. En este estudio se trabajará con datos cualitativos derivados de entrevistas semiestructuradas con cinco familias de campesinos sin tierra acampados en Pontal do Paranapanema, región occidental del estado de Sao Paulo - Brasil. El propósito de este trabajo es profundizar en la comprensión de los procesos de ordenamiento y producción de la conciencia desde las dimensiones destacadas.Este artigo pretende analisar como as metas da ação coletiva e a vontade de atuar coletivamente afetam o processo de formação da consciência política e a participação política dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra Neste estudo se trabalhará com dados qualitativos derivados de entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco famílias de trabalhadores sem terra acampados em Pontal do Paranapanema, no extremo oeste do Estado de São Paulo no Brasil. O propósito deste trabalho é aprofundar na compreensão dos processos de organização e produção de a consciência desde as dimensiones destacadas

    Qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em escolares do 7º ao 9º ano de duas escolas municipais da Grande Florianópolis/SC

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Centro de Desportos - Educação Física - Licenciatura.Ao longo das últimas décadas a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) vem sendo um tema cada vez mais estudado por sua importância no desenvolvimento e bem-estar da população. Em adolescentes, os estudos sobre o tema têm se tornado mais frequente, visto que nesta fase o meio em que vivem é capaz de influenciar fortemente em suas escolhas, podendo repercutir na adoção de hábitos que perdurem durante a vida adulta. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar possíveis diferenças entre a percepção dos escolares sobre dimensões da QVRS de acordo com o sexo, idade, ano escolar e escolas distintas. Trata-se de um estudo transversal que utilizou o piloto da pesquisa intitulada “Promoção de um estilo de vida saudável em adolescentes e sua relação com o desempenho escolar” - Programa Movimente. Participaram do estudo 251 escolares de ambos os sexos, com idade de 12 a 16 anos, matriculados em turmas de 7º ao 9º ano do ensino fundamental II de duas escolas públicas municipais, localizadas nos municípios de Florianópolis e São José, em Santa Catarina, com coleta de dados realizada entre os meses de junho e novembro de 2016. Para obtenção de dados foi utilizado o instrumento Kidscreen-27, contendo 27 questões, que avaliam a QVRS de forma subjetiva, com variação de 0 a 100 escores. O questionário foi aplicado em sala de aula e respondido individualmente pelos escolares, como um autorrelato. Para análise dos dados foram utilizados procedimentos de estatística descritiva, e para a análise inferencial o teste de Mann-Whitney para variáveis dicotômicas (sexo e escola) e Kruskal-Wallis para variáveis com mais de duas opções de resposta (idade e ano escolar), com nível de significância estabelecido em p<0,05. Foram confrontados os escores das cinco dimensões da QVRS do instrumento Kidscreen-27 (bem-estar físico; bem-estar psicológico; autonomia e relação com os pais; amigos e apoio social; e ambiente escolar) com o sexo, idade, ano escolar e escola, ficando entendido que quanto maior o escore melhor a percepção de QVRS. Quanto confrontadas as dimensões da QVRS com o sexo, as dimensões: bem-estar físico, autonomia e relação com os pais, e ambiente escolar apresentaram escores significativamente superior no sexo masculino. Com relação a idade dos escolares, nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada. Confrontando as dimensões da QVRS com o ano escolar, os escores do 8º ano apresentaram escores significativamente superior quando comparados aos escolares do 9º ano na dimensão amigos e apoio social, e os escolares do 9º ano apresentaram valores significativamente superior quando comparados aos escolares do 7º ano na dimensão ambiente escolar. Entre as escolas, apenas a dimensão ambiente escolar apresentou diferença significativa, tendo a escola localizada em Florianópolis escore superior quando comparada a escola localizada em São José. Os escores da QVRS dos escolares foram considerados baixos, visto que as medianas variaram de 31,1 a 49,6 quando levado em consideração todas as dimensões do instrumento, sendo necessárias ações de intervenção que possibilitem a melhoria do cenário encontrado

    PEMBUATAN PETA TEMATIK LAHAN PERTANIAN BERDASARKAN HASIL FOTO UDARA (Studi Kasus : Desa Tanjung, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang)

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    Peta merupakan gambaran atau lukisan seluruh atau sebagian gambaran dari permukaan bumi yang digambarkan pada bidang datar yang diperkecil dengan menggunakan skala tertentu dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk symbol dan dibuat mengikuti ukuran sama luas, sama bentuk, sama jarak dan sama arah. Peta Tematik adalah peta yang menggambarkan tema tertentu yang digunakan untuk pembuatan peta rencana tata ruang. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat permintaan akan informasi geospasial suatu wilayah dalam berbagai macam bidang, semakin berkembang pula metode dalam melakukan kegiatan pemetaan seperti fotogrametri. Fotogrametri adalah suatu metode pemetaan objek-objek di permukaan bumi yang menggunakan foto udara sebagai media yang diperoleh melalui pemotretan udara menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak UAV. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemotretan dengan luas area 113 ha yang memiliki karakteristik topografi berbeda dengan menggunakan 8 GCP (Ground Control Point). Lokasi penelitian terletak di Desa Tanjung Sekar area persawahan Kampus 2 ITN Malang, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang. Data yang digunakan adalah data yang di ambil dari pengukuran GPC menggunakan GPS RTK dan data foto udara. Dari hasil penelitian pembuatan peta tematik lahan pertanian berdasarkan hasil foto udara di Desa Tanjung Sekar Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang menghasilkan peta tematik yang dibentuk berdasarkan orthophoto hasil pemrosesan foto, skala yang dihasilkan setelah melalui proses orthorektifikasi dan uji ketelitian adalah skala 1:1000 sehingga peta tersebut memenuhi standar skala horisontal berdasarkan Perka BIG No.15 Tahun 2014 kelas 1 dengan kesalahan maksimum tidak melebihi kesalahan sebesar 0.12 m

    Exploring the cultural conceptualization of emotions across national language varieties: a multifactorial profile-based account of PRIDE in European and Brazilian Portuguese

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    Supporting the hypothesis that emotions are culturally constructed, this article compares the cultural conceptualization of pride in European and Brazilian Portuguese (EP/BP). Individualistic/collectivistic as well as other cultural influences that determine the conceptual variation of pride in pluricentric Portuguese are examined. Adopting a sociocognitive view of language and applying a multifactorial usage-feature and profile-based methodology, this study combines a feature-based qualitative analysis of 500 occurrences of orgulho 'pride' and vaidade 'vanity' from a corpus of blogs with their subsequent multivariate statistic modeling. The multiple correspondence analysis reveals two clusters of features, namely, self-centered pride and other-directed pride. Logistic regression confirmed that EP appears to be more associated with other-directed pride, which is in line with the more collectivist and restrained Portuguese culture, whereas BP is more connected with self-centered pride. Accordingly, morally good pride is salient in EP. Brazil's high power distance can also explain the prominence of negative and bad pride in BP.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio